
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
V. Almada, Gonçalves, E. J., Henriques, M.2000Inventariação e ecologia da ictiofauna do substrato rochoso da Costa Arrábida/Espichel. Relatório final
J. Assis, Serrão, E. A., Alberto, F.2012Projeto Findkelp "as florestas no fundo do mar". Relatório final no âmbito do protocolo "Fundo EDP para a biodiversidade" estabelecido entre a empresa Energias de Portugal S.A. e a Universidade do Algarve.
A. F. R. Baeta2009Environmental Impact and sustainability of Portuguese fisheries
F. Baeta, Costa, M. J., Cabral, H.2009Trammel nets' ghost fishing off the Portuguese coast
M. I. Batista, Henriques, S., Pais, M. P., Cabral, H. N.2015A framework for the assessment of MPA effectiveness based on life history of fishes
R. Borges2006Composition, temporal and spatial patterns of very-nearshore larval fish assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park
R. Borges, Beldade, R., Gonçalves, E. J.2007Vertical structure of very nearshore larval fish assemblages in a temperate rocky coast
R. Borges, Ben-Hamadou, R., Chícharo, M. A., Ré, P., Gonçalves, E. J.2007Horizontal spatial and temporal distribution patterns of nearshore larval fish assemblages at a temperate rocky shore
EMEPC2015M@rbis 2012-2014: Berlengas, Algarve e Arrábida
J. A. Gomes, Almeida A. J.1979Notes sur l'ichtyofaune du littoral rocheux portugais
E. J. Gonçalves, Henriques, M., Almada, V. C.2002Use of a temperate reef-fish community to identify priorities in the establishment of a marine protected area
M. Henriques1996Interacções de limpeza em peixes com especial referência para Centrolabrus exoletus (Pisces: Labridae)
M. Henriques, Almada V. C.1998Juveniles of non-resident fish found in sheltered rocky subtidal areas
S. Henriques, Pais, M. P., Batista, M. I., Costa, M. J., Cabral, H. N.2013Response of fish-based metrics to antropogenic pressures in temperate rocky reefs
B. HortaeCosta, Assis, J., Franco, G., Erzini, K., Henriques, M., Gonçalves, E. J., Caselle, J. E.2013Tropicalization of fish assemblages in temperate biogeographic transition zones
B. HortaeCosta, Erzini, K., Caselle, J. E., Folhas, H., Gonçalves, E. J.2013'Reserve effect' within a temperate marine protected area in the north-eastern Atlantic (Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal)
M. I. S. B. Pereira2014Planning and management of marine protected areas: methodological approaches to cope with data scarcity
I. Sousa, Gonçalves, J. M. S., Claudet, J., Coelho, R., Gonçalves, E. J., Erzini, K.2018Soft-bottom fishes and spatial protection: findings from a temperate marine protected area
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith